The Nail Biters (10/17/2023): The Good Son

The Good Son (cover)

The Good Son by You-Jeong Jeong

Early one morning, twenty-five-year-old Yu-jin wakes up to a strange metallic smell, and a phone call from his brother asking if everything’s all right at home he missed a call from their mother in the middle of the night. Yu-jin soon discovers her murdered body, lying in a pool of blood at the bottom of the stairs of their stylish Seoul duplex. He can’t remember much about the night before; having suffered from seizures for most of his life, Yu-jin often has trouble with his memory. All he has is a faint impression of his mother calling his name. But was she calling for help? Or begging for her life?

Next Meeting:
October 17th @ 7:00 PM at Eastgate Library

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