Explore The Library of Things!

Explore The Library of Things!

Did you know that Algonquin Area Public Library has a collection of unique items for digital preservation, crafting, photography, and more? The Library of Things contains tools and equipment for special projects, such as transferring treasured home movies to digital formats, to save you money and storage. Considering a new hobby?  Try some of our crafting tools before buying your […]

Seed Library Journal #4- April 11
Library Programs

Seed Library Journal #4- April 11

After a week (at least) of gray skies and temps in the 40s, the sunny weekend was the motivation I needed to plant my Seed Library seeds! I’m using the tabletop greenhouse I got for my birthday, but you can find seed trays and accessories at most garden and hardware stores.  The Seed Library has lots of vegetable, herb and […]

Celebrate National Library Week with The Big Library Read!
Reading Challenge

Celebrate National Library Week with The Big Library Read!

It’s National Library Week, and what better way to feel the library love than by joining an international celebration of reading? The Big Library Read is the world’s largest digital book club, with over 20,000 libraries participating, including Algonquin Area Public Library District. Taking part is easy. Between April 4 -18, use the Libby digital library app to download the […]

The 1950 Census is Here!

The 1950 Census is Here!

The excitement is real for genealogy fans. On April 1st, the 1950 Census was released by the National Archives. The 1950 census is available to browse at the National Archives website: https://www.archives.gov/research/census/1950 This census is not yet fully indexed, but there is a search engine for the AI (machine) index- it’s kind of like OCR for handwriting, so you can […]

Read A Patron Pick!
Reading Challenge

Join The Spring Fling Reading Challenge!

Spring forward into a new reading challenge for adults, running April 1- May 15 at Algonquin Area Public Library. The Spring Fling Reading Challenge invites you to give your reading a seasonal refresh, with a BINGO game that combines reading and simple activities, to complete up to five horizontal, vertical, or diagonal rows. For each completed row, you’ll be entered […]

What is a First Cousin Once removed?

What is a First Cousin Once removed?

“What does it mean when a cousin is ‘once removed’?” This is a very common question! Family relationships can definitely be confusing, and not just for the beginner genealogist. I’ve put together this ladder image to help explain how “once removed” refers to the generational separation between two cousins. Let’s take a look: At the top of the image, the […]

The Seed Library Journal- March 23
Library Programs

The Seed Library Journal #3, March 23

Another gray and blustery day, but spring is getting closer. Next week, I plant my seeds from the Seed Library. Asters and Bee Balm will go in the butterfly garden we planted beneath our boys’ old swing-set. Bees and hummingbirds love this garden, too. Put feeders out in April to attract these tiny wonders on their northern migration.