Registration is open for October and November Genealogy Programs! Click program names to register.
Finders/Keepers Genealogy Club - A Genealogy Interest Group
Join us each month at Finders/Keepers Genealogy Club to explore genealogy topics and resources, and to get help with your family research.
Thursday, October 13: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Online or in-person at Harnish Main
Explore your Polish heritage with the help of Polish genealogy expert and author Jason Kruski. This in-person genealogy program is appropriate for beginners.
Saturday, October 15: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
In-person at Eastgate Branch
Available October 14: Algonquin Cemetery Scavenger Hunt
Participate online or pick up a paper entry form at the Adult Services Desk. Each correct answer will earn an entry into a prize drawing
DNA Deep Dive Workshop - A Genealogy program
Have you already taken a DNA test and don't know how to use the results? Join this in-person DNA workshop and learn how to sort your DNA matches, chart relationships, and extend your family tree.
Thursday, October 20: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Computer Lab Harnish
Finders/Keepers Genealogy Club - A Genealogy Interest Group
Join us each month at Finders/Keepers Genealogy Club to explore genealogy topics and resources, and to get help with your family research.
Thursday, November 10: 10:00am - 11:30am
Online or in-person at Harnish Main