Planning a trip this summer? Don’t forget to stock up on e-books, e-audiobooks, digital music, video and more from AAPLD! Digital resources are easy to use, easy to access, and won’t clutter up the car or load down your luggage.
If you haven’t used our digital collections before, vacation time is the perfect opportunity to give them a try. You’ll find best-sellers, fascinating non-fiction, relaxing beach reads, plus materials for kids and teens. In addition to e-books, choose e-audiobooks for listening on the road or in flight, without having to keep track of CDs. We also offer collections of films, and digital music.
Our Digital Collections page has tutorials and links to your favorite app store. Download the correct app for your digital device, enter your AAPLD card number, and enjoy entertainment on-the-go.
Ebooks, eAudiobooks, and more
Libby/Overdrive– Download up to 15 items per month with your AAPLD library card. Libby offers ebooks, eaudiobooks, and magazines for adults, teens and kids. The extensive collection includes the latest fiction and non-fiction, classic literature, and graphic novels.
Hoopla– Download up to 15 items per month, with no holds, no waiting. Just click and borrow! Hoopla’s collection includes e-books, e-audiobooks, and more.
Axis 360– Download up to 5 items per month. Browse the Axis 360 collection for best-selling fiction, non-fiction, e-books and e-audiobooks, for adults and kids.
Indie Author Illinois– Discover up and coming independent authors writing adult and young adult fiction and non-fiction. There’s no waiting for a title, and books can be checked out for as long as you like. However, you must be in the state of Illinois to access this collection.
Digital Audio and Video
In addition to books, Hoopla also offers CDs, movies, and television series, including selections from AcornTV, home to many popular British and Australian series.
Kanopy showcases more than 30,000 of the world’s best films, including award-winning documentaries, rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema. Check out up to 10 items per month. The Kanopy Kids collection offers unlimited streaming of TV classics like Sesame Street and animated storytimes from award winning books.
Freegal offers access to about 15 million songs, including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists and over 40,000 music videos. In total, the collection is comprised of music from over 40,000 labels with music that originates in over 100 countries. There is no software to download, and there are no digital rights management (DRM) restrictions. You can enjoy unlimited streaming and download up to 5 songs per week.