I was struck this morning by a fascinating report on NPR about how the success of the Hunger Games book trilogy and movies have breathed new life into an old sport – Archery.
Girls as young as seven are discovering that bows aren’t just something you wear in your hair. Suppliers are even having a difficult time keeping traditional recurve bows, like the one used by heroine Katniss Everdeen, in stock.
Here’s an excerpt from the story:
Following in the footsteps of Hunger Games heroine Katniss Everdeen, who’s fiercely talented with a bow and arrow, is one reason Y’Jazzmin came through the door here this fall.
Her mom, Alicia Christopher, says positive reinforcement has kept her daughter coming back. Y’Jazzmin competed in her first tournament earlier this month.
“Watching the way that she’s developed confidence in what she’s doing — she’s very confident,” Alicia says. “She used to be a really shy person, but now she’s opening socially.”
Isn’t that wonderful? Amazing, how reading a simple story can lead you to try something new and ultimately give you more confidence. I’ve tried to think back if a character ever impacted me like that as a girl. There was no one quite like Katniss Everdeen when I was growing up, but I was drawn to independent and strong female characters. Anne (with an e) Shirley, heroine of L.M. Montgomery’s wonderful Anne of Green Gables series was a real “kindred spirit” and I was sure that if we ever met we would become “bosom friends”. Anne taught me that mistakes don’t define you because “Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it…yet.” She also left me with a lifelong fascination with Prince Edward Island and a secret desire for red hair.
What about you? What books or characters have impacted you either as a child or an adult? Who are your literary heroes and heroines?
Have you ever been so enthralled with a character or book that you learned a new skill or traveled to a new place? Did reading Wild motivate you to take up hiking? Did A Year in Provence inspire you to live abroad? Did Julie and Julia encourage you to start cooking? Does reading this blog post make you want to share your story? Please share them in the comments section below. I would love to hear your stories!
Hunger Games Trilogy: