Just in time for spring planting, Algonquin Area Public Library, in cooperation with the University of Illinois Agricultural Extension, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Illinois Master Gardeners of McHenry County, is excited to offer the Seed Library, that provides seeds to local gardeners free of charge!
How Does It Work?
Stop by the Adult Services desk at the Main Library on Harnish Drive to browse our Seed Library catalog, or check it out online. You'll find photos and descriptions of each plant variety, helpful information about when, where and how to sow your seeds, and the number of seeds you'll receive. Quantities range from 2 to 20 seeds per packet, depending on the type of plant.
Find our online request form here, or pick one up at the Adult Services desk. Choose up to 20 different plant varieties, per household, per calendar year. Due to high demand, you cannot make multiple requests for the same seed variety. We'll contact you when your seeds are ready to be picked up. Access planting and care instructions with a QR code included with your order.
What Can I Choose?
Choose from over 130 varieties of vegetable, fruit, flower and herb seeds. You'll find heirloom vegetables, such as the Oxheart and Mortgage Lifter tomatoes, Dixie Queen watermelons and White Icicle radishes. Favorites like pumpkins, mixed color carrots, and various types of green beans can turn this summer's garden into a family project. Brighten your landscaping with colorful Painted Daisies, and the beautiful, exotic Passion Flower. Add color to your home with classic cutting flowers like zinnia and sunflowers. Select annuals, which are planted each year, or perennials which return year after year.
If It's A Seed Library, Do I Have To Return My Seeds?
While we love the name "Seed Library," it's not a library in the traditional sense. You don't need a library card, nor do you have to return seeds from your personal harvest-- though if you want to send a photo of your garden, or your harvest, we'd love to post it! If you can't use all your seeds this year, no problem! Store unused seeds in their packets in an airtight glass jar, and keep it in a cool dark place like your basement or garage, until you're ready to plant.