There've been some changes to the Adult Services area at the Main Library on Harnish Drive.
- Biographies and Memoirs have moved from the Fiction area to Non-Fiction. They now reside in the first section of shelves, facing the West Windows, across from study tables and soft seating. Career books and World Language materials have moved from rolling shelves to the 300 and 400 sections of non-fiction.
- Fantasy, Science Fiction and Adult Graphic Novels have moved from the shorter shelves near Large Print, to the taller shelves formerly occupied by Biography and Memoir. Audiobooks (fiction and non-fiction) have moved to the shorter shelves near Large Print.
- New Audiobooks, New Series DVD/BluRay and New Documentary DVD/BluRays are in the first row of the former Audiobooks section. Series DVDs begin in the second row of the section. After Series comes Documentaries, Musicals, and Performance. Performance is a new section that includes concerts, and opera; they're marked with an orange sticker on the case spine. Anime DVDs are in the final row, where non-fiction audiobooks used to be, after Anime, Music CDs fill in the rest of the row. Manga has expanded to fill most of the back row, facing the North Windows.
- DVD/BluRays have shifted toward the back of the section to provide more room. New DVD/BluRay and New International films are now in the front row of the section, facing the public computers. Hot DVD/BluRay are on the display cube near the elevator. 4K films are on the rolling shelves where New and Hot DVD/BluRay used to be.
End cap signs have been updated, but if you need help finding something, please don't hesitate to ask an Adult Services staff member. We're happy to help you locate your items.