

Care Guide: Its sharp, distinctive, nutty flavor is best when picked young. Self-sowing and relatively cold-tolerant. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked and danger of hard frost has passed. For a continuous supply of arugula, sow every three weeks throughout the summer. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun, or partial shade. 40-45 days. […]

Asian Greens, Prize Choy

Asian Greens, Prize Choy

Care Guide: This strain is especially uniform, vigorous, and bolt resistant. Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed to prevent premature flowering. Can also be planted in late summer for a fall crop. Seeds will germinate in 4-7 days. Plant in full sun to partial shade. 45-50 days. Direct Seed: 1″ Apart Seed Depth: 1/4″ Rows Apart: 18″ […]

Basil, Genovese

Basil, Genovese

Care Guide: Though its name and its reputation are as Italian as it gets, many find it interesting to note that the cultivar that we call Genovese Basil actually hails from Asia and North Africa, and then made its way north and west centuries ago. Genovese Basil today is considered by all to be the superior basil for making the […]

Basil, Lemon

Basil, Lemon

Care Guide: Delightfully fresh citrus-flavor. Plants are compact with petite light green leaflets. Delicious with fish and in salad dressings. Basil isa tender annual that prefers full sun and rich, moist soils. Direct seed after all danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed, or start transplants 4-6 weeks before planting date. Pinch terminal buds to encourage branching and […]

Bean, Painted Pony

Bean, Painted Pony

Care Guide: A great dual purpose bean. Long thin pods are stringless and good for snap beans. The dry beans are excellent for soups and retain their markings when cooked. Very productive. Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest snap beans frequently for increased yields. Leave some pods on the […]

Bean, Pencil Pod Golden Wax

Bean, Pencil Pod Golden Wax

Care Guide: This old-time favorite, introduced in 1900, is regaled for its quality and delicious wax bean flavor. The stringless pods reach 5-7″ long on heavy-producing plants that grow 15-20″ tall. Ideal for freezing or canning. Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil and air temperatures have warmed. Harvest frequently for increased yields. 50-65 days. Direct […]

Bean, Provider

Bean, Provider

Care Guide: Known as the most dependable early green bean, this easy-to-grow variety offers excellent flavor and is one of the best for freezing and canning. It germinates well in cooler soil, adapts to diverse soil and climate conditions, and is disease-resistant. Round, straight pods grow heavily on compact plants. Bush habit, snap, 50-55 days. Direct Seed: 2″ Apart Seed […]

Beet, Chioggia

Beet, Chioggia

Care Guide: Also known as Bassano, and noted for its alternating red-and-white concentric rings that resemble a bull’s-eye, this variety is wonderful for both fresh eating and pickling. It retains its markings if roasted whole and sliced just before serving. 2’ apart 50 days Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable / Fruit Number of Seeds 5 Attributes Annual Full Sun Vegetable / […]

Broccoli Raab, Spring Rapini

Broccoli Raab, Spring Rapini

Care Guide: Grown for its slightly nutty, asparagus-flavored side shoots, broccoli raab (also known as rapini) is related to both broccoli and turnips but is actually closer to turnips in terms of cultivation. Large plants mature over a 1-2 week period, bearing side shoots and large, tender, abundant leaves on thin stems. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Plant out just […]

Broccoli, Calabrese

Broccoli, Calabrese

Care Guide: Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Plant out just before the last frost. Broccoli prefers cool temperatures and a regular supply of water. In many regions it can be grown as both a spring and fall crop. Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before last frost Germination: 3-10 Days Plant Outdoors: 24” Apart Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable / Fruit Number of […]

Cabbage, Early Jersey Wakefield (Organic)

Cabbage, Early Jersey Wakefield (Organic)

Care Guide: This early-maturing variety is delicious eaten fresh. The conical, solid, tightly held heads grow up to 15″ long by 7″ wide and weigh 3-4 pounds each. An historic variety, this cabbage was first grown in the United States by Francis Brill of Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1840. 60-75 days to maturity 24-36” apart Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable […]

Cabbage, Red Kalibos

Cabbage, Red Kalibos

Care Guide: The leaves of these dense 2-3 pound heads have a sweetness that makes them perfect for slaws and salads, or for use in pickling. Sow seed indoors ¼” deep 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Plant out just before the last frost. Take care not to disrupt the shallow root system while transplanting and weeding. Make sure cabbage […]

Carrot, Oxheart

Carrot, Oxheart

Care Guide: Heart-shaped roots grow to over 1 pound very rapidly. Excellent quality, stores well. Good for heavy soils. Very uniform true-to-type strain. Sow seeds outdoors 3-4 weeks before last spring frost or as soon as soil can be worked. Tamp soil firmly; keep bed moist until emergence. Germination is slow and uneven, so be patient. Using spun polyester row […]

Carrot, Red Cored Chantenay

Carrot, Red Cored Chantenay

Care Guide: This popular variety has sweet orange flesh, wide shoulders, thick, edible roots, and a red-orange core that gives the variety its name. Easy to grow-prepare and enrich the soil with nutrients, and a prolific harvest will result. The 6” roots are great for soups, canning or fresh eating. 16-24” apart 70 days Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable / Fruit […]

Carrot, Scarlet Nantes

Carrot, Scarlet Nantes

Care Guide: Its cylindrical roots are 7″ long with blunt tips, and its fine-grained, bright red-orange flesh is nearly coreless, offering great flavor that’s sweet and crisp. Good when used as baby carrots, and excellent for freezing and juicing. Sow seeds outdoors 3-4 weeks before last spring frost, or as soon as soil can be worked. Keeping soil moist throughout […]

Cauliflower, Di Sicilia Violetto

Cauliflower, Di Sicilia Violetto

Care Guide: The voluminous variety will form side shoots after the main head is cut so be sure to space plants at least 20″ apart as it will get quite large throughout the course of the growing season. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Plant out just before the last frost. This brassica prefers cool temperatures and a regular supply of […]

Cauliflower, Romanesco

Cauliflower, Romanesco

Care Guide: As beautiful in the garden as on the table, this cauliflower variety produces stunning apple-green whorled heads with a highly refined taste and texture. Widely grown and prized in Italy, it grows exceptionally well in cool northern areas of the country. 24” apart 75-100 days Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable / Fruit Number of Seeds 5 Attributes Annual Full […]

Celeriac, Monstorpolgi

Celeriac, Monstorpolgi

Care Guide: This celery root variety has a mild, sweet celery flavor and firm, round roots that measure 3″ long by 3-4″ wide. Its root, stems and leaves make a fine addition to soups and strews. Sow seeds indoors 1/8″ deep in warm, moist soil, 10-12 weeks before planting outdoors. Transplant outdoors spacing 6″ apart in 30″ rows. Note: celeriac […]



Care Guide: A very popular and easy to grow herb. The seeds are similarly to parsley, but spicier. The aromatic and flavorful seeds are used in potpourri and to flavor pastries, salad dressings, and meats. A staple in Mexican dishes and fresh salsa. 18”-24” tall 65 days to maturity Harvest Tip: Cut Cilantro leaves when they are 4″ to 6″ […]

Collard, Ellen Felton Dark

Collard, Ellen Felton Dark

Care Guide: This heirloom collard produces green, elliptical, tender leaves with a sweet, slightly fruity taste. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Plant out just before the last frost.  Can also be direct seeded outdoors three months before fall frost. Fares well in low temperatures. Harvest may continue even after snow. Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before last frost Germination: 3-10 Days […]

Cucumber, Armenian

Cucumber, Armenian

Care Guide: Also known as the Yard-Long Cucumber, Snake Cucumber, Snake Melon or Uri, it is really a Melon, but it acts like a Cucumber! Known as one of the best slicing Cucumbers, this Armenian heirloom is rarely available for purchase so you’d best grow your own. Thin-skinned, slightly ribbed and matte chartreuse, its crisp, mild flesh has a light […]

Cucumber, Bushy

Cucumber, Bushy

Care Guide: A bush cucumber, this variety will take up only 2 or 3 square feet per plant. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after the last frost when soil is warm. Space hills 6′ apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 2-4 weeks before the last frost for an earlier harvest. Cucumbers benefit from consistent moisture. […]

Cucumber, Double Yield

Cucumber, Double Yield

Care Guide: A very early pickling type, this variety bears fruits that are best for canning or fresh eating when 4-5″ long. Early- to mid-season maturity. When growing plants on a trellis, space seed 6-8” apart and thin as necessary; train the plants to climb the trellis with an initial guidance. Alternatively, make 12” hills at least 6’ apart. Plant […]



Care Guide: Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Transplant outdoors 2-3 weeks after last frost. Seeds can also be direct seeded 2-3 weeks after last frost when soil is warm. Cumin prefers well- drained fertile soil and hot conditions. Start Indoors: 6-8 weeks before last frost Germination: 10-14 Days Plant Outdoors: 4-8” Apart Annual, Full Sun, Herb Number of Seeds 5 […]

Dill, Compact

Dill, Compact

Care Guide: Bouquet Compact is a compact version of the beloved aromatic herb, reaching only 18″ tall, making it a perfect choice for container gardens both indoors and outdoors.  Features a full distinctive tangy dill flavor in its leaves and seeds, which can be dried for later use. Sow directly into well-draining soil in containers or a sunny, protected spot […]

Flower, American Basketflower

Flower, American Basketflower

Care Guide: Splendid 4-5″ mauve-colored flowers bloom from papery, straw-colored buds that resemble woven baskets. Their sweet, honey-like fragrance draws bees and butterflies to gardens, borders, meadows, and wherever else these unique flowers are sown. Basketflowers stand out in arrangements, whether fresh-cut or dry, and dry well in bud, flower, or spent-flower stage. 4′ tall. Direct Seed: 1/8″ Deep Germination: […]

Flower, Shade Mix

Flower, Shade Mix

Care Guide: This shade seed mixture contains a colorful array of more than 15 annuals and perennials that tolerate partial shade. Not suitable for densely shaded areas, it works best in locations that receive strong, filtered sunlight or 1-4 hours of direct sun per day. You may sow the shade mix 1 to 2 weeks before your average last frost […]

Flower, Whirlygig Mix Zinnia

Flower, Whirlygig Mix Zinnia

Care Guide: This vibrant mix is loved by butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects and is also easy to grow. Performs well in borders and in arrangements. Sow seeds outdoors after last frost. Zinnias prefer well-drained average soil. Water regularly, keeping leaves dry. Remove spent blossoms frequently to prolong blooming. Direct Seed: 1/8″ Deep Germination: 5-24 Days Thin: 10-12″ Apart […]

Ground Cherry, Aunt Molly’s

Ground Cherry, Aunt Molly’s

Care Guide: Allow the fruit to fall to the ground before harvesting. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Plant out when the danger of frost has passed. Excellent results when grown on landscape cloth, which suppresses weeds and makes collecting the fruits easier. Fruits can be stored in husks for 3-4 weeks. Start Indoors: 6 weeks before last frost Germination: 14 […]



Care Guide: Ironweed’s vivid purple flowers in fuzzy clusters bloom atop sturdy stems, waving about in summer breezes and attracting the attention of swallowtail and Monarch butterflies. Grown in moist conditions and fertile soil. Partial sun and slightly moister or drier conditions are also tolerated. Grows 2-4′ tall Annual, Flower, Full Sun Number of Seeds 20 Attributes Annual Flower Full […]

Kale, Blue Scotch Curled

Kale, Blue Scotch Curled

Care Guide: Blue Curled Scotch Kale is a variety that is delicious, nutritious, and attractive. An extremely strong producer – especially in cooler climates. Use Blue Curled Scotch Kale in salads or stir-frys. 12-15” leaves Plant 8-12” apart 30-60 days to maturity Annual, Full Sun, Partial Sun, Vegetable / Fruit Number of Seeds 5 Attributes Annual Full Sun Partial Sun […]

Leek, Blue Solaise

Leek, Blue Solaise

Care Guide: Blue colored leaves that turn violet after a cold spell. Very large 15-20” stalks are sweet and flavorful. Extremely hardy, good for short-season areas and winter harvest. Sow seeds indoors ¼ “ deep and space 1” in all directions. Transplant as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Hill or mound soil around stems several times to […]

Leek, Jaune du Poitou

Leek, Jaune du Poitou

Care Guide: Beautiful yellow-green leaves, a mild taste and a wide, thick, edible white shank have long made this leek a popular variety in Europe. Sow seeds indoors ¼ “ deep and space 1” in all directions. Transplant as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Hill or mound soil around stems several times to blanch as leeks grow. […]

Lettuce, Amerikanischer Braun

Lettuce, Amerikanischer Braun

Care Guide: What’s not to like? The leaves of this boldly colored looseleaf lettuce are flavorful, sweet, crisp, and tender. Plants do well in summer heat and bear leaves that are light yellow-green in the center and dark red/purple toward the edges. Sow continuously for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or […]

Lettuce, Strela Green

Lettuce, Strela Green

Care Guide: This flavorful, decorative lettuce variety looks as great as it tastes and also tolerates heat! Sweet, crunchy, and not the least bit bitter, it dates from the 1500s and was reintroduced into the modern seed trade by Dr. Alan Kapuler of Peace Seeds, a Seed Savers Exchange lifetime member from Corvallis, Oregon. A unique star-shaped rosette of pointed, […]

Lettuce, Three Heart

Lettuce, Three Heart

Care Guide: This lettuce can be used in salads or as an addition to sandwiches and burgers. Mix it with other varieties to create a salad mix of different textures, colors, and flavors. Salads that have a lettuce base are often combined with grated cheese, fresh or dried fruit, nuts, and rich and crispy meats like bacon or pork belly. […]

Lettuce, Winter Density

Lettuce, Winter Density

Care Guide: Also known as Craquerelle du Midi, bred in England. Large dark green curled leaves form upright 8-10″ heads. Sweet, crisp, and succulent. Slow to bolt in summer heat yet also cold tolerant. This lettuce can be used in salads or as an addition to sandwiches and burgers. Mix it with other varieties to create a salad mix of […]

Lima Bean, Christmas

Lima Bean, Christmas

Care Guide: Also known as Large Speckled Calico, this variety was first cultivated in the United States around 1840 and produces beautiful, quarter-sized, flat white seeds with maroon spots and swirls. It has rich flavor and can be used as a shell lima or dry. Heavy yields, bears even during extreme heat. Lima beans thrive in hot temperatures. Sow seeds […]



Care Guide: 8 to 10 weeks before last frost, start seeds indoors. Light is required for gemination; barely cover seeds. When established, harden off and transplant 12″ apart into soil that drains well.  Plant reaches 12″ tall with velvety gray-green leaves and small pink flowers. May be dried for long-term storage but is most flavorful when harvested fresh. Marjoram is […]

Melon, Amish

Melon, Amish

Care Guide: Oval fruits are 9″ long and weigh 4-7 pounds. Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6′ apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost. 80-90 days. Direct Seed: 1″ Deep […]

Melon, Boule d’Or

Melon, Boule d’Or

Care Guide: Fruits will keep for several weeks if kept cool and dry. Very hard to find. Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6′ apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost. […]

Melon, Early Hanover

Melon, Early Hanover

Care Guide: Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6′ apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost. 70-85 days. Direct Seed: 1″ Deep Seeds to Hill: 6-8 Seeds Thin: To 3-4 Plants […]

Melon, Emerald Gem

Melon, Emerald Gem

Care Guide: Pale orange rich juicy flesh is sweet and somewhat spicy in flavor. Heavy producer, 2-3 pound fruits. Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6′ apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before […]

Melon, Prescott Fond Blanc

Melon, Prescott Fond Blanc

Care Guide: Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6′ apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost. Annual Full Sun Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable / Fruit Number of Seeds 2 Attributes Annual […]

Melon, Tigger

Melon, Tigger

Care Guide: Tigger is heavier (about 1 pound), and the white flesh is mildly sweet. Ornamental, for specialty markets. Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6′ apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before […]

Mustard, Feaster Family Heirloom

Mustard, Feaster Family Heirloom

Care Guide: Bearing long, broad, smooth, upright leaves with a toothed margin, these plants reach 20-25″ tall and 16-18″ wide. You can directly seed your mustards into the ground, placing 3 seeds every 8 inches. Plant them 3 months before your first frost in rows 18-30 inches apart. The seeds should be planted 1/4-1/2 inch deep. As they grow, thin […]

Nasturtium, Tip Top

Nasturtium, Tip Top

Care Guide: The flowers within the mix of this half-hardy annual are apricot, gold, mahogany, and scarlet. This 8-10″ tall selection is ideal for containers. Sow seeds outdoors one week after last frost. Plants prefer average moist soil. Water during dry spells, but do not fertilize, as this will promote more foliage than flowers. Direct Seed: 1/4″ Deep Germination: 7-12 […]

Okra, Clemson Spineless

Okra, Clemson Spineless

Care Guide: Vigorous plants grow 3-5′ tall. Exceptionally uniform, deep green ribbed and spineless pods are best harvested when 3″ long. Excellent quality. Sow seeds outdoors when the soil has warmed. Tolerant of heat and drought, but not of cold. Keep well picked for higher yields. 50-64 days. Direct Seed: 2″ Apart Seed Depth: 1/2″ Thin: 6-8″ Apart   Annual, […]

Onion, Red Wethersfield

Onion, Red Wethersfield

Care Guide: Also known as Dark Red Beauty, this attractive onion has large flattened globes with purple-red skins. The mildly pungent flesh with red concentric circles is best used fresh for salads and garnishes, rather than kept for extended storage. 6” Apart 100 days to maturity Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable / Fruit Number of Seeds 5 Attributes Annual Full Sun […]

Parsley, Triple Curled

Parsley, Triple Curled

Care Guide: Closely curled dark-green leaves. Fast-growing, uniform strain. High in vitamins and minerals. Holds for a long time at harvesting stage, even in warm weather. Sow seeds outdoors just before last frost. Can also be started indoors and set out as small plants. Seeds can be soaked in warm water for 24 hours before planting. Prefers full sun to […]

Pea, Champion of England

Pea, Champion of England

Care Guide: A traditional tall pea that reaches heights of 10 feet—a great return for a small space. Eight to ten peas per pod. Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be planted on each side of a trellis. […]

Pea, Green Arrow

Pea, Green Arrow

Care Guide: Slim pointed pods are 4-5″ long and contain 8-11 small deep green peas. Pods are almost always borne in doubles. Very heavy reliable production. Medium vines grow 24-28″ tall. Peas thrive in cool weather. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Double rows of peas can be […]

Pepper, Beaver Dam

Pepper, Beaver Dam

Care Guide: Fruits are mildly hot when seeded. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. 80 days from transplant. Start Indoors: 8 weeks before last frost Germination: 14 Days Plant Outdoors: 12-24” Apart Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable / […]

Pepper, Bull Nose Bell

Pepper, Bull Nose Bell

Care Guide: Crisp fruits ripen from green to red with an excellent flavor. Productive, sturdy plants. This pepper is sweet. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. 55-80 days from transplant. Start Indoors: 8 weeks before last frost […]

Pepper, Buran

Pepper, Buran

Care Guide: Sweet and productive Polish pepper. Two-foot tall plants produce 4″ long bell fruits with 3 lobes. Sweet even when green, sure to be a favorite. Does well in dry areas. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is […]

Pepper, Fatalii

Pepper, Fatalii

Care Guide: Habanero-type peppers with delicious citrus flavor and few seeds. Golden-orange 3″ long fruits are borne in abundance on sturdy 30″ plants. This pepper is EXTREMELY HOT (a little goes a long way). Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil […]

Pepper, Garden Sunshine

Pepper, Garden Sunshine

Care Guide: Creamy yellow 8″ bell-shaped peppers hold for weeks before turning to orange and then red, extended harvest period. Best used when yellow or orange. Highly productive 16″ plants. Remarkably dependable sweet pepper. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until […]

Pepper, Miniature Chocolate Bell

Pepper, Miniature Chocolate Bell

Care Guide: Short stocky plants covered with lovely 2″ long miniature bell peppers with an excellent fresh flavor. This pepper is sweet. Bell peppers are sweetest when they mature to a full color, but the crunchy green flesh is a great addition to many savory dishes. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom […]

Pepper, Red Habanero

Pepper, Red Habanero

Care Guide: Also known as Lucifer’s Dream, Caribbean favorite many times hotter than the jalapeño. Three-foot tall plants produce enormous yields of small rippled peppers with a characteristic fruity flavor and aroma. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is […]

Pepper, Shishito

Pepper, Shishito

Care Guide: Compact, bushy plants produce an abundance of 3.5-4″” wrinkled fruits over an extended period. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. 80 days from transplant. Start Indoors: 8 weeks before last frost Germination: 14 Days Plant […]

Radish, Pink Lady Slipper

Radish, Pink Lady Slipper

Care Guide: One of the mildest radishes, with a hint of sweetness, the oblong roots of this variety are soft rosy-pink with bright-white flesh. Pink Lady Slipper stores well and stays crisp for weeks after harvest, even late in the season. An excellent choice for both home and market growers. 1” Apart 25-30 Days Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable / Fruit […]

Radish, Rat-Tailed

Radish, Rat-Tailed

Care Guide: Native to South Asia. Grown for the crisp, pungent, edible seedpods (up to 6 inches long) and not for the roots. Pods should be gathered before fully mature and eaten raw, pickled, or chopped in salads. Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Plant in full sun. Successive plantings can be made every […]

Rutabaga, Cairns Family Heirloom

Rutabaga, Cairns Family Heirloom

Care Guide: Tan roots with light red and green shoulders grow to 6-8″ in diameter and have a sweet flavor after a frost. Sow seeds outdoors in late spring. Rutabagas prefer a long, cool growing season. Plant in full sun in cool climates or partial shade in hot summer climates. Rutabagas are most delicious after a frost or two. Seeds […]

Rutabaga, Westport Macomber Turnip

Rutabaga, Westport Macomber Turnip

Care Guide: Roots are large and white with either green or purple shoulders. Sow seeds outdoors in late spring. Seeds will germinate in 5-15 days. Rutabagas prefer a long, cool growing season. Plant in full sun in cool climates or partial shade in hot summer climates. Rutabagas are most delicious after a frost or two. 90-100 days. Thin 6″ apart. […]

Salsify, Mammoth Sandwich Island

Salsify, Mammoth Sandwich Island

Care Guide: Sow seeds outdoors in early spring as soon as soil can be worked. Seeds will germinate in 3 weeks. Salsify prefers a deep friable soil and is most delicious after a frost. Dig roots in late fall. Known as “Vegetable Oyster” due to its uncanny oyster-like flavor. Long tapered roots average 8-10″ long and 1″ in diameter. Creamy […]

Snapdragon, Tetra Mix

Snapdragon, Tetra Mix

Care Guide: Robust, scented flowers in an abundance of colors harken back to old-fashioned annual cutting gardens. The undeniable vintage charm of this semi-dwarf snapdragon, which grows from 18”-24” high, enlivens garden beds and borders, as well as bouquets. Full to partial sun 6-12” Apart Annual, Flower, Full Sun, Partial Sun Number of Seeds 10 Attributes Annual Flower Full Sun […]

Squash, Golden Hubbard

Squash, Golden Hubbard

Care Guide: Starchy, nutty, fine-grained flesh—good for baking and roasting. Fruits are 8-12 pounds and store well. An all-time American favorite.  Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6′ apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out. 90-100 days. Direct Seed: 1″ Deep Seeds […]

Squash, Long Island Cheese

Squash, Long Island Cheese

Care Guide: Named for its resemblance to a wheel of cheese. Flattened, ribbed, buff-colored pumpkins average 6-12 pounds. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6′ apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out. 90-100 days. Direct Seed: 1″ Deep Seeds to Hill: 6-8 […]

Squash, Silver Bell

Squash, Silver Bell

Care Guide: Small bell-shaped squash average four pounds. Silvery gray-blue shell turns pink in storage. Delicious deep orange, dry, sweet flesh. Good keeper. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6′ apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out. 100-105 days. Thin to 3-4 […]

Squash, Spaghetti

Squash, Spaghetti

Care Guide: Plants bear cream-colored, cylindrical shaped fruits filled with spaghetti-like strands of delicately flavored flesh. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6′ apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out. Plant 18-24″ apart. 60-90 days to maturity. Direct Seed: 1″ Deep Seeds […]

Squash, Summer Crookneck

Squash, Summer Crookneck

Care Guide: Bush plants produce copious amounts of yellow summer squash with warted rinds that are best harvested and eaten young; at maturity the fruits are very ornamental. Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6′ apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out. […]

Squash, Table King Acorn

Squash, Table King Acorn

Care Guide: Vigorous, wilt tolerant, semi-bush vines produce handsome dark green fruits. High quality, fiberless orange flesh is thick and flavorful. Fruits are 5” by 6”, just the right size for two servings. Plant seed outdoors after all danger of frost is past or start indoors 4 to 6 weeks earlier. Make a group of 3 seeds placed in a […]

Squash, Waltham Butternut

Squash, Waltham Butternut

Care Guide: Plant seeds outdoors after all danger of frost is past or start indoors 4 to 6 weeks earlier. Make a group of 3 seeds placed in a ring about 2” across; cover with ½” of fine soil, well pressed down. Allow the fruits to remain on the vine until fully matured. Handle carefully and store in a moderately […]

Sunflower, Autumn Beauty

Sunflower, Autumn Beauty

Care Guide: Multi-headed flowers range from bright yellow to gold to dark burgundy, with some bicolors. Under ideal conditions one plant can have up to two dozen flowers blooming at the same time. Very nice for cutting. Plants grow 5-8′ tall. Sow seeds outdoors after last frost. Sunflowers prefer full sun to light shade and well-drained rich soil. Provide support […]

Sunflower, Giant Primrose

Sunflower, Giant Primrose

Care Guide: Multiple blossoms high on sturdy, top-branching, 8-12′ tall plants. Flowers have soft, creamy, pale-yellow petals with a dark-chocolate center. Great when used as a living screen or windbreak. Sow seeds outdoors after last frost. Sunflowers prefer full sun to light shade and well-drained rich soil. Provide support for tall plants. 65 days. Direct Seed: 6″ Apart Direct Seed: […]

Sunflower, Irish Eyes

Sunflower, Irish Eyes

Care Guide: Dwarf plants loaded with multiple blooms that have pointed golden petals and green centers. One of the best for container gardening and cutting. Plants grow 24-30″ tall.  Sow seeds outdoors after last frost. Sunflowers prefer full sun to light shade and well-drained rich soil. Provide support for tall plants. 60 days. Annual, Flower, Full Sun Number of Seeds […]

Sunflower, Taiyo

Sunflower, Taiyo

Care Guide: Plants grow 5-6′ tall with large 10-12″ heads and short golden-yellow petals. Huge centers are covered with chocolate-colored velvet reminiscent of fur. Sow seeds outdoors after last frost. Sunflowers prefer full sun to light shade and well-drained rich soil. Provide support for tall plants. 70 days. Direct Seed: 6″ Apart Direct Seed: 1/2″ Deep Germination: 10-14 Days Rows […]

Tomato, Beefsteak

Tomato, Beefsteak

Care Guide: Plant seeds 1/8 inch deep. For plants, plant them deeper than in the pot. Plant them just below the first set of leaves. Plant in deep, rich, well-drained soil. The open-pollinated, indeterminate plants bear very heavy yields and can keep producing for months, often until frost. The vines can grow up to 8 ft. tall and staking is […]

Tomato, Green Zebra

Tomato, Green Zebra

Care Guide: This variety produces very prolific plants that bear olive-yellow 1 ½ -2 ½ “ fruits with deep-green zebra stripes and a sweet, zingy flavor. Indeterminate. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun. 24-36″ apart 75-80 days Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable […]

Tomato, Oma’s Pink

Tomato, Oma’s Pink

Care Guide: This dark-pink beefsteak tomato boasts a great, moderately sweet flavor. Borne singly or in pairs, fruits mature mid-season, have a medium acidity and very thin skin, weigh from half to full pound, and measure 3-5” wide. Tall, leafy, indeterminate plants grow 5-6’. 24-36” Apart 80 Days from transplant Annual, Full Sun, Vegetable / Fruit Number of Seeds 3 […]

Tomato, Ukrainian Purple

Tomato, Ukrainian Purple

Care Guide: Plum-shaped fruits are 3-4″ long and weigh 6 ounces, generally crack-free. Great flavor, sweet and meaty. Plants are very productive. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant. Start Indoors: 6 weeks before last frost Germination: 7-14 Days Plant Outdoors: […]

Tomato, White Cherry

Tomato, White Cherry

Care Guide: Early and productive pale yellow to ivory 1 ounce fruits; color will be paler with less sun exposure. An excellent color addition to cherry tomato mixes. Sweet fruity flavor. Sow seeds indoors ¼” deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Indeterminate, 70 days from transplant. Annual, Full Sun, […]

Watermelon, Picnic

Watermelon, Picnic

Care Guide: Sow seeds outdoors in 12″ diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 8′ apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils. Direct Seed: 1/2″ Deep Seeds to Hill: 6-8 Seeds […]