Learn A Language, With a Little Help From Your Library

Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world.”
Rumi, Persian Poet


There are plenty of reasons to learn a new language. Plans for a trip abroad, communicating with a new friend or family member, making yourself more valuable at work, even boosting brain health! Studies have shown that bilingual people process information more efficiently, and learning a second language as an adult can help stave off cognitive decline.

Though Covid might have delayed your travel plans, right now is an excellent time to learn a language. Whether you’re brushing up on your skills, or starting from scratch,  your library is a great place to start!

Our world language resources include books, audiobooks and an online language learning platform called Mango.

Our world language print collection includes study guides for popular European, Asian, South American and Middle Eastern languages, American Sign Language, plus books to help you learn Latin, Hebrew, Old English and even decipher ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

We offer dictionaries, pocket-sized, visual and comprehensive, and also phrasebooks to help you learn the language as it’s spoken in casual or business settings.

Language learning is a natural fit for audiobooks, and our collection of audio courses include Berlitz, Living Language, Fodors and Drive Time. Turn commuting, housework, or treadmill time into a daily language class, that’s both fun and productive.

Explore more of our Language collection by clicking here

If you prefer working with an online resource or an app, Mango is for you! Mango offers lessons in over 70 languages, and English As A Second Language lessons for speakers of 20 different languages. Each language has multiple lessons divided into categories, some have bonus listening and reading lessons, and there is also a collection of world-language films with breakdowns of each line of dialogue. You’ll find these under Mango’s EXPLORE tab.

To get started, download the free Mango app from your favorite app store, or log-in through our website and create an account using your AAPLD library card number. Not an AAPLD cardholder? Check with your home library to see if they subscribe to Mango. But our print and audio materials are available to reciprocal borrowers, so please stop in and browse, place a hold online, or give us a call. ¡Nos encanta ayudar!