March 2015 Library Reads List

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The Love Song of Miss
Queenie Hennessy: A Novel
by Rachel Joyce

“Miss Queenie Hennessy, who we met in Joyce’s first book, is in a hospice ruminating over her abundant life experiences. I loved the poignant passages and wise words peppered throughout. Readers of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry will enjoy this book. There’s no fast-paced plot or exciting twists–it’s just a simple, sweet story of a life well-lived.”

- Andrienne Cruz, Azusa City Library, Azusa, CA

Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania
by Erik Larson

“In cinematic terms, this dramatic page-turner is Das Boot meets Titanic. Larson has a wonderful way of creating a very readable, accessible story of a time, place, and event. We get three sides of the global story–the U-boat commander, British Admiralty and President Wilson–but what really elevates this book are the affecting stories of individual crew and passengers.”

- Robert Schnell, Queens Library, Jamaica, NY

by Gail Carriger

“I was hoping we’d be seeing Prudence in her own series. Baby P–Rue to you–is all grown up and absolutely delightful. First-time readers will think it’s a wonderful book on its own merits. However, it becomes spectacular when we get to revisit some of the beloved characters from the Parasol Protectorate. Gail Carriger is always a delight!”

The Witch of Painted Sorrows
by M. J. Rose

“Rose weaves a passionate tale of sensuality, heartbreak and despair, exposing readers to a side of Paris that is as haunting as its main characters. The melding of time and generations transform Sandrine and La Lune into a single force to be reckoned with. The unexpected ending will leave readers wanting more.”

- Marianne Colton, Lockport Public Library, Lockport, NY

Cat Out of Hell
by Lynne Truss

“Cats don’t live nine lives. They survive eight deaths. There’s something special about Roger, the cat, and it’s not that he can talk. Truss spins readers through a hauntingly, portentous tale. When my cat’s tail thrums, I’ll forever wonder what devilment will follow.”

- Ann Williams, Tippecanoe County Public Library, Lafayette, IN

Vanishing Girls
by Lauren Oliver

“Reminiscent of E. Lockhart’s We Were Liars, this book begs for a re-read after you finish it. Nick, the main character, is recovering from a devastating trauma. Her family life is turned upside down, and a longtime childhood friendship is strained due to her sister’s exploits. I recommend this book to anyone who loves to read multi-layered stories.”

- Sybil Thompson, Cuyahoga County Public Library, Cleveland

Delicious Foods: A Novel
by James Hannaham

“How can you not be immediately intrigued by a novel that opens with a teenage boy driving from Louisiana to Minnesota after both his hands have just been cut off at the wrist? When you read this novel, you’re dropped right into a world–darkly funny and audaciously bold.”

- Meghan Hall, Timberland Regional Library, Lacey, WA

The Fifth Gospel: A Novel
by Ian Caldwell

“A murder on Vatican property begins this tale of religion, politics, and family. Two brothers, both priests, struggle to make sense of their friend’s murder. When one is accused, the other must go to extreme lengths to prove his brother’s innocence. Caldwell’s second novel is a book to savor. This is a heart-wrenching book you will want to read more than once.”

- Elizabeth Kanouse, Denville Public Library, Denville, NJ

The Pocket Wife: A Novel
by Susan Crawford

“Dana is a ‘pocket wife’ because her lawyer husband barely gives her the time of day. One afternoon, she drunkenly argues with her neighbor Celia, takes a nap, then wakes to find Celia dead. Could she have murdered Celia? Dana, suffering from manic episodes, tries to solve her friend’s murder before she loses all self-control. Highly recommended for fans of Gone Girl.”

- Katelyn Boyer, Fergus Falls Public Library, Fergus Falls, MN

Where All Light Tends to Go
by David Joy
Published: 3/3/2015 by Putnam Adult
ISBN: 9780399172779

“This beautifully written novel juxtaposes the glory of the Appalachians against the despair of everyday life. Jacob McNeely recognizes his family’s brutality, but Maggie, the love of his life, gives him hope. Achingly told, the visceral prose will stay with readers long past the conclusion. Fans of the Southern fiction of Ron Rash and Wiley Cash will fall in love with this new voice.”

- Jennifer Winberry, Hunterdon County Library, Flemington, NJ